NOTE: Classes and Schedules may change at Discretion of Instructor, Weather, etc - Please check the Schedule Board!
Interested in a topic but can't attend at the time slot? Talk to the instructor - some have offered to teach the class more than once or may be willing to sit and chat lecture style with you! (this does not mean the instructor will change the scheduled time for you)
Aug 02, 2018
0930 - 1700: Registration and camp set up
Contact info@fechtschulefrisbee.com if you will be arriving past 5pm (1700)
Open sparring, connect with instructors, meet new people
Throughout Day: Gekken Booth (at discretion of Tristan Zukowski)
1030 - 1330 HEMS Class 1 with Josh Parise
1500 - 1800 HEMS Class 2 with Josh Parise
1900 to Quiet Hours (22) Welcome Dinner at Campsite 70 (see FAQ for menu)
Aug 03, 2018
0900 - 1700: Registration and Camp Set-up
Contact info@fechtschulefrisbee.com if you will be arriving past 5pm (1700)
Throughout Day: Gekken Booth (at discretion of Tristan Zukowski)
0900 - 1200 HEMS Class 3 with Josh Parise
0930 - 1030 Yoga with Angelita Singh
1030 - 1230 Jack of All Trades with John Crum
1130 - 1300 Absetzen and Ansetzen with Tristan Zukowski
1230 - 1430 Meyer's Dagger with Charles Murdock
1300 - 1500 Beginner's Archery with Jess Rozek- Workman
1400 - 1700 HEMS Class 4 with Josh Parise
1500 - 1800 Mechanics of Cutting with Tristan Zukowski
1500 - 1700 Italian Rapier with Lisa Losito
1600 - 1800 Italian Dagger with Kimberleigh Roseblade
1830 to Quiet Hours (2200) Mead Tasting followed by Catered Dinner (see FAQ for menu)
Aug 04, 2018
0900 - Noon: Registration by appointment and Camp Set up
Contact info@fechtschulefrisbee.com if you will be arriving past Noon (12pm) or camping only Saturday night
Throughout Day: Gekken Booth (at discretion of Tristan Zukowski)
0900 - 1030 Natural Movement with Tiby Kantrowitz
0900 - 1030 Fit and Use of Armor with Bill Frisbee
0930 - 1230 HEMS Class 5 with Josh Parise
1000 - 1200 Forge Class 1 with Sam Hoffman and Willow Zietman
1100 - 1300 Intro to Abrazzare with Kimberleigh Roseblade
1300 - 1400 Herbals Lecture with Angelita Singh
1400 - 1600 Forge Class 2 with Sam Hoffman and Willow Zietman
1400 - 1700 HEMS Class 6 (TBD) with Josh Parise
1400 - 1700 Historic Archery with Clout with Jess Rozek-Workman
1500 - 1700 Shieldmaking 101 with Matthew Mafera
1700 - 1800 Lichtenauer: Syllabus and System by Michael Chidester
1800 - 1900 Tamworth Family Campground Annual Charity Dinner
1900 - TBD Lecture: The Ethics of Force by John Crum with Panel Discussion
2200 Quiet Hours
Aug 05, 2018
"Leftovers" Breakfast / Brunch
Open Time - Connect with instructors for additional instruction and follow ups, sparring, relaxing, etc.
Camp clean up and break down